20 Contoh Soal Essay Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12 Semester 1 Kurikulum 2013 Beserta Jawaban LengkapPart5

20 Contoh Soal Essay Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12 Semester 1 Kurikulum 2013 Beserta Jawaban Lengkap Part5 untuk Siswa SMA/MA/SMK/MAK - Contoh soal essay b. Inggris kelas xii semester ganjil K13 postingan kelima ini, berisikan materi yang sama dengan 15 contoh soal PG b. Inggris sebelumnya, yang diambil dari Bab 5, yaitu soal tentang News Item dan Construct News Item.

Selain itu, postingan soal essay tentang news item dan constuct news item (bab 5) merupakan lanjutan soal essay tentang application letter dan construct application letter, yang bisa anda baca pada postingan 15 contoh soal essay b. Inggris kelas 12 semester ganjil.

Berikut dibawah ini, soal essay bahasa Inggris tentang news item, contsruct news item dilengkapi kunci jawaban untu siswa kelas 12 semester gasal kurtilas edisi revisi.

Fill in the blanks with correct verbs!

Read the following text to answer questions number 1 to 3

Singapore to Develop Marine Tourism in Riau Islands of Indonesia

       Singapore has expressed its interest in developing marine tourism in Natuna, Anambas and Lingga, there beautiful yet hidden regencies in the Riau Islands province of Indonesia. According to Riau Islands deputy Governor, Soeryo Respationo, the three areas have their own beauty but lack of adequate infrastructure to boost tourism.
       Singapore’s investment in the tourism sector would perfectly match with the islands’ need he, said recently. Soeryo said tht Singapore Ambassador Anil Kumar Nayar visited the Riau islands asministration on Tuesday to show the country’s commitment in developing the marine tourism sector.

1. Singapore is interested in making investment in….
Answer : Building tourism infrastructure in the three islands in Riau

2. The main idea of paragraph 2 is….
Answer : Singapore shows its commitment in developing the marine tourism sector in the three islands Riau

3. The generic structure of the text above is….
Answer : Newsworthy Event-Bachground Event-Source

Read the following text to answer questions number 4 to 6.

      A survey has found about 13 percent of first-time smokers in the country are junior high school students. It also revealed 89 percent of young female employees were smokers The survey was conducted in five major cities across the country. Including Surakarta in Central Java The Indonesian anti-tabacco campaign has reportedly been deemed as ineffective as the government refuses to sign the internasional convention on tobacco control. It said that cigarette producers contributed to a large amound to state revenue and gave jobs to thousands of workers

4. The text mainly tells you about….
Answer : The Increase of indonesia smokers

5. Why does the growth of Indonesian smokers have to be concerned?
Answer : It is likely that younger generation is uneducated to the risks of smoking

6. One of the advantages of cigarette industry is….
Answer : To give a great job chance

This text is for questions 7 to 10

      BAGHDAD (Reuters)-Six U.S. soldiers were killed by a blast north of Baghdad on Monday. the U.S. military said on Tuesday, in one of the single deadliest ground attacks against American force in Iraq in months.
      Three other soldiers were wounded after an explosion went off near their vehicles in the province of Salahuddin, the military said in a statement, without giving details. Salahuddinis a Sunni Arab insurgent stronghold. More than 3.170 U.S. soldiers have died in Iraq since the U.S-Ied invasion in March 2003.

7. The text talks about….
Answer : Attacking against American

8. Which of the following statements is NOT mentioned in the text?
Answer : Iraqi and U.S forces are in the second week of a security crackdown in Baghdad

9. Iraq and U.S. forces are in the third week of a security crackdown in Baghdad aimed at stemming sectarian violence. (paragraph 3)
The underlined word means….
Answer : Guard

10. Based on the text, Salahuddin is a….
Answer : A sunni Arab insurgent stronghold

Read the following text to answer questions number 11 to 15.

Indonesian Education Index Lower than Philippines, Ethiopia
Jakarta | Sat, March 25, 2017
     A recent study commissioned by the Network for Education Watch Indonesia (JPPI) reveals the index of education services in Indonesia in 2016 ranks lower than the Philippines and Ethiopia.
     The Right to Education Index (RTEI) research shows that from indicators measured in the survey, which comprise education governance, availability, accessibility, acceptability and adaptability, Indonesia scores 77 percent.
      The indicates that the quality of education in Indonesia is at the same level with Honduras and Nigeria but lower than the Philippines (81 percent) and Ethiopia (79 percent)
      The JPPI says three strategic issues need closer attention. These issues include teachers’ quality, child-unfriendly schools and discrimination against marginalized groups.
      It further says Indonesia’s low score in terms of the quality of teachers is a result of the unabalance ration on the availability of teachers especially in outermost and secluded areas across the country. Results of a test held in 2016 show that the competency of teachers in Indonesia is still below standard.
     Many schools in Indonesia are considered to still have a child-unfriendly environment due to the rise in reports on violence, both physical and non-physical, at school. Cases of bullying, physical violence and sexual violence against school children have emerged so often in mass media.

11. What is the result of survey by the Network for Education Watch Indonesia (JPPI)?
Answer : The index of education services in indonesia in 2016 ranks lower than the philipines and Ethiopia

12. What are the issues of lower index education services in Indonesia?
Answer : Teacher’s quality, child-unfriendly schools and discrimination against marginalized groups

13. What is the most caused in teacher issues?
Answer : The quality of teacher’s is a result of the unbalanced ratio on the availability of teachers especially in outermost and secluded areas acrossthe country

14. What is the meaning of “bullying” in Indonesian?
Answer : Menyiksa, menggertak, menganggu

15. What are groups including marginalized?
Answer : Women, children in prison, disabled people, children from poor families and refugees

Read the following text to answer questions number 16 to 20.

Pancasila Lecture May Soon be Compulsory at Leading Indonesian University

   Jakarta. Gadjah Mada University in Yogyakarta plans to take more concrete actions to counter radical religious teachings at its own campus, including by making lectures on state ideology Pancasila Compulsory, its rector said on Monday (05/06).
    “Pancasila should be implemented in our daily life, Lecturers may soon be required to deliver a 30-minutes Pancasila-related lecture during a lesson,” UGM rector Panut Mulyono said during a discussion with the press at its University Club on Monday (05/06).

16. What is a planning of UGM?
Answer : To take more concrete actions to counter radical religious teachings at its own campus including by making lectures

17. Who is the informant in the text?
Answer : Panut Mulyono

Baca juga:

1# Contoh Soal UAS/PAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI Semester 1 K13 Beserta Jawaban
2# Contoh soal PAS b. Inggris kelas 10 semester ganjil kurikulum 2013
3# Rangkuman Materi UN/UNBK Bahasa Inggris SMA/SMK/MA/MAK: Contoh Soal dan Pembahasan Per SKL
4# 45 soal latihan UNBK bahasa Inggris kelas 12 dan kunci jawabannya.

18. What will be implemented in daily life of us?
Answer : Pancasila

19. When was the interview held based on the text?
Answer : On Monday (05/06)

20. What time will Pancasila be given?
Answer : 30 Minutes

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