Contoh Soal PG Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI Semester 1 K13 Beserta JawabanPart-3

Contoh Soal PG Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI Semester 1 Beserta Jawaban Part-3 berisikan materi yang berbeda dengan soal pilihan ganda b. Inggris kelas 11 semester satu kurtilas bagian ke-1 dan bagian ke-2 (soal nomor 11-20), dimana bagian ke-3 berisikan materi soal tentang Formal Invintation dan Making Accepting, and Declining the Invitation.

( Materi soal yang sama, bisa anda dapatkan dalam bentuk essai : Contoh Soal Essay Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI Semester 1 K13 Beserta Jawaban Part-2 )

Berikut dibawah ini, soal PG bahasa Inggris dengan kunci jawaban untuk siswa SMA/SMK/MA/MAK/Sederajat dimulai dari soal nomor 21.

Choose the correct answer by crossing a, b, c, d, or e!

The following text is for number 21 to 25

To: All teachers
Would you please come to watch our students’ performance for Angklung festival on June 21st 2016 in Hall of Surya Dharma School at 08.00 a.m. until the end of the event.

Surya Permana

21. Who is the recipient of the text above?
a. Teachers.
b. Students.
c. Students and teachers.
d. Math teacher.
e. Headmaster.
Jawaban: a

22. When will the festival be held?
a. June 21st
b. June 22nd
c. June 23rd
d. June 24th
e. June 25th
Jawaban: a

23. Where will the festival be held?
a. The hall.
b. The yard.
c. The football court.
d. The tennis court.
e. The street.
Jawaban: a

24. When will the festival be begun?
a. 08.00.
b. 09.00.
c. 10.00.
d. 11.00.
e. 12.00.
Jawaban: a

25. What kind of the text is it?
a. Invitation
b. Report
c. Advertisement
d. Personal letter
e. Public letter
Jawaban: a

26. Ratna: “I’m hungry. How about you?”
Citra: “Me, too.”
Ratna: “….?”
Citra: “Sure.”
a. Shall we go to the library
b. Shall we go to the mosque
c. Shall we go to the canteen
d. Shall we go to the mosque
e. Shall we go to the bank
Jawaban: c

27. Harry: “Would you like to go camping with us next?”
Donny: “….,  but I have to take care my mom. She has been hospitalized for week.”
a. it’s sound interesting.
b. Thank you.
c. I don’t care about it.
d. I am sorry to hear that.
e. Don’t mention it.
Jawaban: a

The following letter for number 28 to 30.

28. When will the event be held?
a. March 6th.
b. March 7th.
c. March 8th.
d. March 9th.
e. March 10th.
Jawaban: c

29. What kind of letter is it?
a. Invitation letter.
b. Request letter.
c. Shipment letter.
d. Offering letter.
e. Complaint letter.
Jawaban: a

30. Who is the recipient of the text above?
a. Parents.
b. Four years old kide.
c. Everybody.
d. Elder people.
e. Head of state.
Jawaban: a

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